Course Content
UNIT 1 | Practicing Cleanliness
Cleanliness means that there is no dirt, no dust, no stains, and no bad smells. The goals of cleanliness are health, beauty, absence of offensive odor, and avoiding the spreading of dirt and contaminants to oneself and others. Cleanliness gives rise to a good character by keeping the body, mind, and soul clean and peaceful. Maintaining cleanliness is the an essential part of healthy living because it is the cleanliness only which helps to improve our personality by keeping clean externally and internally.
UNIT 2 | Understanding Physical Well Being
"What is wellbeing? Wellbeing is personal and subjective, but it also universally relevant. Wellbeing encompasses the environmental factors that affect us, and the experiences we have throughout our lives. These can fall into traditional policy areas of economy, health, education, and so on. But wellbeing also crucially recognizes the aspects of our lives that we determine ourselves: through our own capabilities as individuals; how we feel about ourselves; the quality of the relationships that we have with other people; and our sense of purpose."
UNIT 3 | Patience
"Patience is the ability to wait calmly for or through something. If it is a virtue, it seems likely that there must be some element of suffering in the waiting, even if the suffering is only boredom and not necessarily physical pain. Some commentators have suggested that patience is not a single virtue, but a combination of others, including: Self-control, to be able to control our own reactions to the situation, and endure it without complaint; Humility, to accept that you are no more important than anyone else, and there is no particular reason why you should not wait; and Generosity, to smile at the world even when it seems to be conspiring against you."
UNIT 4 | The Value of Labor
"Every individual on earth deserves equal respect and harmony to be catered to. This vast topic deals with the importance of labor hood, the dignifying role of labor & their determination & devotion towards society. The value of labor can only be understood when their endless efforts will be recognized globally."
UNIT 5 | Knowing Children From Other Nations
"Child development is a dynamic, interactive process. Every child is unique in interacting with the world around them, and what they invoke and receive from others and the environment also shape how they think and behave. Children growing up in different cultures receive specific inputs from their environment. For that the reason is there’s a vast array of cultural differences in children’s beliefs and behavior."
UNIT 6 | Learning Through Personal Interests, Abilities And Hobbies
"I’ve always maintained that the only way to learn something properly is to get out there and do it. No one learned surfing by, pardon the pun, surfing the web. Sportspeople don’t learn new skills and advantages by reading instructions from a book; they train and make mistakes. Hobbies are a fantastic way of learning, simply because people get out there and actually practice their chosen discipline and experience trial and error, whether it is flower arrangers, woodworkers, or people who tinker with old tape players."
Grade 6 – English
About Lesson

A Visit To The Park


One bright sunny morning, Hamza and Abdullah decide to go to their
neighborhood park. It is Sunday and both friends are in high spirits. They stop
outside the park to buy some ice cream from a small shop near the gate. They
then enter the park happily eating and chatting, until…



There is a beautiful park near my house.  My mother used to take my sister and me during weekends.  We enjoy spending time there in the park by running, jumping, and playing. 


Play Area: 

The Park has a separate play area with a slide, see-saw, swing, merry-go-round, and other play activities also.  My sister and I will go for one round in all the playful activities and give a chance to other friends also.  Sliding from the top is a wonderful experience.  Swinging at greater heights feels like flying in the air. Sometimes we play hide and seek with other friends also.  We will also play with the ball, kick the ball and we will run fast to catch it.

“Play is the highest form of research” – Albert Einstein


Trees and plants: 

The Park has beautiful flowering plants, full of bushes and trees also.  We should not pluck flowers from the garden. It is the beauty that has to be seen and admired by all.  There are two gardeners to water the plants daily and maintain the park.

“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant” – Robert Louis Stevenson


Exercise area for walking: 

The Park has an Exercise area called Gym for adults to do exercises.  It has a separate Yoga Open Hall for people to do yoga.  Many people have a long walk through the pathway without any disturbance. 

“An early morning walk is a blessing for the whole day”- Henry David Thoreau


Other facilities:

There is a small pond with different colored fish.  We can sit and relax near the pond.  There are colorful benches to sit and rest on. After playing, when we get tired, we finally sit down to rest.  My mother gives us snacks like fruit juices, cookies, etc.



Then we will say goodbye to our dear friends and come back to our house.  The park is the best place for nature lovers.  We enjoyed the time spent in the park. The Park gives people fresh air to breathe, facilities to do exercises, and finally take a rest in Benches.  This gives peace of mind and relaxation to all of us.


Descriptive essay is about a place where you will find important information about the tourist city of Luxor which is located in the Arab Republic of Egypt we will learn about the most important tourist areas in it,  and I advise everyone to visit this beautiful city.  All this information will be found here in a descriptive essay about a place.


Descriptive Essay About A Place


There are many beautiful places in Egypt, including archaeological and historical places, and one of the most important tourist cities that attract many tourists from all over the world is Luxor, which we will talk about it here in a descriptive essay about a place.


Luxor city:

  • I will tell you about a beautiful city I visited, Luxor tourist city. I will tell you about the most important tourist places I visited.
  • The city of Luxor is distinguished by its location on the banks of the Nile River, which divided it into two parts, the eastern and the western.
  • The official capital of the province of Luxor is located in the southern side of the Arab Republic of Egypt,  About 670 kilometers away from Cairo,  This city was called the City of the Sun.
  • The city of Luxor is one of the most important tourist cities, which is a destination to numbers of tourists from around the world because it contains many historical monuments such as:

Temple of Karnak: This temple is characterized by the contain many of the temples built by the ancient Egyptians,  These temples return to the god Amon and other gods that were found at the time, In addition to presenting many sound and light performances that are held every evening, This is a great way to discover and discover these temples. The distance between Luxor and Karnak is estimated at about 3 kilometers.


Luxor Temple: This temple is one of the most important landmarks that many tourists come to visit it, as it contains the building that belongs to King Ramses II, In addition to the existence of the obelisk decorated and engraved by all the victories achieved by the king.


Descriptive essay about a place you visited


I remember well the best place I visited, which is the island of Maldives. I was able to visit the Maldives with my family a year ago.  I enjoyed this visit a lot, as I found the water there very special, unlike the beaches of my city. The color of the water is turquoise and completely pure. The sand is white and fine. All the system there is wonderful, whether the beach or the palms hanging with a swing, or the bridges extending into the sea, and it has a lot of sitting areas or rooms in which we live directly in the middle of the water or the resorts that have placed under the water and you can see the marine life from below. Surely this is the paradise on earth that I have always dreamed of living in. Especially at sunset, you can see the real Maldives with candles, parasols, parties, and music. All these wonderful things can not be described.


Dialogue Activity:

  • Abdullah: You should not throw your ice cream wrapper on the ground,
  • Hamza: Why shouldn’t I? Everyone else throws trash around here.
    Abdullah: If we want a clean and beautiful Pakistan, we should try and make
    it one.
  • Hamza:  But, Abdullah throwing, a single wrapper will not make any
  • Abdullah: It will. If we all throw single pieces of trash it will soon create a
    rubbish heap in the park. Therefore, we must follow the park rules
    here and protect our public places.
  • Hamza: Park rules? What park rules?
    Abdullah: (shaking his head) Come with me
  • Both friends walk back to the park gate where there is a huge board that
    reads: ‘Park Rules’.
  • Hamza: (Surprised) I never noticed that before.
  • Abdullah: Let’s read the park rules so that we know what we should do and
    not do in the park.


The sign reads as follows:

1. You must not write or draw on the walls of the park
2. You must not throw trash around the park. Use the
provided dustbins
3. You must not cut or harm the plants and trees
4. You must not write on/ damage the benches
5. You must follow the park timings: from 8: 00 am to
8:00 pm daily
6. Children must come with an adult


This Public Park is for your benefit. You should use it wisely!

  • Abdullah: Now do you realize, Hamza, what you must do and not do in the
  • Hamza: Yes I do, Abdullah.
  • Abdullah: Public places are there for us to use. If we do not take care of them,
    we will have no place left for fun and enjoyment.
  • Hamza: I have an idea! Just putting up these rules is not enough. We should
    teach others how to keep public places clean.
  • Abdullah: How?
  • Hamza: We can put up posters telling people how and why to keep the
    places clean.
  • Abdullah: And, we can also place dust bins all around the park with signs of
    ‘Keep Pakistan Clean’ on them.
  • Great! Let’s keep our parks clean and teach others to do the same.


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