Course Content
UNIT 1 | Effects of our Actions on the Environment
"Humans impact the physical environment in many ways: overpopulation, pollution, burning fossil fuels, and deforestation. Changes like these have triggered climate change, soil erosion, poor air quality, and undrinkable water. These negative impacts can affect human behavior and can prompt mass migrations or battles over clean water."
UNIT 2 | Social Etiquettes and Manners
"Social etiquette is a set of rules, manners, and actions that help people to portray themselves as pleasant, polished, and professional human beings. People who are social etiquette experts know how to behave and look their best in various social situations. Social etiquette shows you how to behave in different social settings, so you don’t have to question your behavior. Learning social etiquette can teach you how to communicate effectively and nicely. Social etiquette can help you to look more professional and make a good impression."
UNIT 3 | Awareness of Crisis, Accidents and Natural Calamities
"Natural disasters can encourage social cohesion and better relationships. When disasters strike, humans have a tendency to get together and show their traits and put them to work. It is during these times that we may work together and realize that all people are the same and have the same basic needs. Friendships may be formed and new things may come to life. The key to reducing loss of life, personal injuries, and damage from natural disasters is widespread public awareness and education. People must be made aware of what natural hazards they are likely to face in their own communities."
UNIT 4 | Awareness of and Empathy with Special People
"Developing social awareness and empathy takes time, effort, intention, and choice. No one is born with the ability to be perfectly informed and sensitive when it comes to the many complex social issues in our world.” Empathy is the ability to understand what another person is going through. It’s the ability to put yourself in someone else’s shoes and to feel what they are feeling. It’s about being respectful and standing in solidarity with marginalized groups."
UNIT 5 | Historical & Cultural Places of Pakistan
"Old buildings have intrinsic value." The stories of how places in Pakistan came to be have created historical sites and local culture. People enjoy visiting these places. The cultural and historic heritage defines a place as it captures the local design, festivities, and themes. These characteristics are often displayed in hospitality, signage, public art, and even music. Civic buildings such as libraries, schools, auditoriums, and government offices are public places that can benefit people through healthy design and their communities through shared use. Cultural and historical sites give a place a sense of identity while creating opportunities for community pride and tourism."
UNIT 6 | Media as a Source of Knowledge
"Media plays a significant role in keeping everyone updated about the various events around the world. Today, we can check out the latest news and current affairs with just a few clicks of the mouse or by simply switching on the radio or television, apart from glancing at the newspaper every morning! Media is the plural form for medium and involves the collective communication sources or mediums including television, radio, newspapers, internet, social media sites, and various relevant sites and blogs. The main purpose of media is to disseminate information and knowledge."
UNIT 7 | Learning Organized Approach through Identifying
"Continuous improvement programs are sprouting up all over as organizations strive to better themselves and gain an edge. The topic list is long and varied, and sometimes it seems as though a program a month is needed just to keep up. Solving a problem, introducing a product, and reengineering a process all require seeing the world in a new light and acting accordingly."
Grade 7 – English
About Lesson

Possessive Pronouns

What are Possessive Pronouns?

Possessive pronouns are words used to indicate that something belongs to someone or has a direct relationship with someone else. They are often used in speech and writing to avoid repetition. Consider this example:

  • I had dinner with Jane and Jane’s brother, Michael.

To avoid repeating the name Jane in the sentence, we use the possessive pronoun her to make the sentence neater and less repetitive:

  • I had dinner with Jane and her brother, Michael.

Learn about possessive pronouns like mineyourshishers, etc., and do some exercises to practice using them.

Level: beginner

Subject Object Possessive adjective Possessive pronounce
I me  my mine
you you your yours
he him  his his
she her  her hers
it it its
we us  our ours
they them  their theirs
Be careful!

Possessive pronouns do not have an apostrophe:

Is that car yours/hers/ours/theirs?
(NOT Is that car your’s/her’s/our’s/their’s?)

We can use a possessive pronoun instead of a full noun phrase to avoid repeating words:

Is that John’s car?
     No, it’s mine.
 (NOT No, it’s [my car].)

Whose coat is this?
     Is it yours? (NOT Is it [your coat]?)

Her coat is grey.
     Mine is brown. (NOT [My coat] is brown.)

We can use possessive pronouns and nouns after of. We can say:

Susan is one of my friends. > Susan is a friend of mine.
(NOT Susan is a friend of me.)

I am one of Susan’s friends. > I am a friend of Susan’s.
(NOT I am a friend of Susan.)

Possessive Pronouns Examples

Here are some examples of dependent possessive pronouns in sentences:

  • Does this key open my door or your door?
  • I will bring my favorite beer to the party.
  • She could not believe her
  • His shoes were old and worn.
  • They promised to do their
  • Amazon sent an email to its

Here are some examples of independent possessive pronouns in sentences:

  • Who owns this bike? Is it yours?
  • That’s ours. Please don’t touch it.
  • The land west of the field is theirs.
  • This money is all mine.

Simplify Your Sentence

Above all, the objective of using possessive pronouns is to simplify your sentence. This will provide clarity and even give your speech and writing a sense of style. Remember these three golden rules to use possessive pronouns correctly:

  • Never use an apostrophe with possessive pronouns.
  • A dependent possessive pronoun is followed by a noun or a noun with an adjective modifier (it needs one because it is dependent).
Possessive Pronoun Quiz

As both possessive forms are used to describe ownership, it can be easy to confuse them. Below are some sentences that contain possessive pronoun mistakes. Can you fix them? (Answers are below.)

  1. His paintings were very colorful, but I liked hers paintings better.

  2. Mine eyes are the color blue.

  3. I like listening to Bruno Mars more than Michael Jackson, but he dance moves are far more iconic.

If you’d like more practice with possessive pronouns and adjectives, take a pronoun quiz to test your skills. You can also play a few pronoun games for a fun review activity!

Answers for Pronoun Quiz Questions

How did you do? Check your answers below.

  1. His paintings were very colorful, but I liked hers her paintings better.

  2. Mine My eyes are the color blue.

  3. I like listening to Bruno Mars more than Michael Jackson, but he his dance moves are far more iconic.

Exercise Files
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