Course Content
UNIT 1 | Effects of our Actions on the Environment
"Humans impact the physical environment in many ways: overpopulation, pollution, burning fossil fuels, and deforestation. Changes like these have triggered climate change, soil erosion, poor air quality, and undrinkable water. These negative impacts can affect human behavior and can prompt mass migrations or battles over clean water."
UNIT 2 | Social Etiquettes and Manners
"Social etiquette is a set of rules, manners, and actions that help people to portray themselves as pleasant, polished, and professional human beings. People who are social etiquette experts know how to behave and look their best in various social situations. Social etiquette shows you how to behave in different social settings, so you don’t have to question your behavior. Learning social etiquette can teach you how to communicate effectively and nicely. Social etiquette can help you to look more professional and make a good impression."
UNIT 3 | Awareness of Crisis, Accidents and Natural Calamities
"Natural disasters can encourage social cohesion and better relationships. When disasters strike, humans have a tendency to get together and show their traits and put them to work. It is during these times that we may work together and realize that all people are the same and have the same basic needs. Friendships may be formed and new things may come to life. The key to reducing loss of life, personal injuries, and damage from natural disasters is widespread public awareness and education. People must be made aware of what natural hazards they are likely to face in their own communities."
UNIT 4 | Awareness of and Empathy with Special People
"Developing social awareness and empathy takes time, effort, intention, and choice. No one is born with the ability to be perfectly informed and sensitive when it comes to the many complex social issues in our world.” Empathy is the ability to understand what another person is going through. It’s the ability to put yourself in someone else’s shoes and to feel what they are feeling. It’s about being respectful and standing in solidarity with marginalized groups."
UNIT 5 | Historical & Cultural Places of Pakistan
"Old buildings have intrinsic value." The stories of how places in Pakistan came to be have created historical sites and local culture. People enjoy visiting these places. The cultural and historic heritage defines a place as it captures the local design, festivities, and themes. These characteristics are often displayed in hospitality, signage, public art, and even music. Civic buildings such as libraries, schools, auditoriums, and government offices are public places that can benefit people through healthy design and their communities through shared use. Cultural and historical sites give a place a sense of identity while creating opportunities for community pride and tourism."
UNIT 6 | Media as a Source of Knowledge
"Media plays a significant role in keeping everyone updated about the various events around the world. Today, we can check out the latest news and current affairs with just a few clicks of the mouse or by simply switching on the radio or television, apart from glancing at the newspaper every morning! Media is the plural form for medium and involves the collective communication sources or mediums including television, radio, newspapers, internet, social media sites, and various relevant sites and blogs. The main purpose of media is to disseminate information and knowledge."
UNIT 7 | Learning Organized Approach through Identifying
"Continuous improvement programs are sprouting up all over as organizations strive to better themselves and gain an edge. The topic list is long and varied, and sometimes it seems as though a program a month is needed just to keep up. Solving a problem, introducing a product, and reengineering a process all require seeing the world in a new light and acting accordingly."
Grade 7 – English
About Lesson

Adverbs are words that describe verbs, adjectives, other adverbs, or clauses. Adverbs often answer the questions “How?” and “In what way?” For example:

  • She sings beautifully.
    In what way does she sing? Beautifully.
  • He runs very fast.
    How fast does he run? Very fast.
  • occasionally practice speaking English.
    How frequently do I practice? Occasionally.

Adverbs used to begin sentences/clauses | Adverb Placement

Connecting adverbs

To place an adverb at the beginning of a sentence or clause is also known as ‘initial position adverb placement’, and the adverbs that are commonly used in these positions are known as ‘connecting adverbs’, such as:

  • Consequently
  • However
  • Next
  • Still
  • Then

These adverbs are known as connecting adverbs, quite simply, because they are used at the beginnings of phrases and sentences to connect them to what has been said before. For example:

  • I did not care for her tone. However, I let it go.
  • I began to dislike my course within months of having signed up for it. Consequently, I never did well.
  • That was the Medieval section of the museum; next, we have the Industrial Revolution.

Adverbs of time

Time adverbs, like ‘tomorrow’, ‘yesterday’, and ‘sometimes’, are among the most flexible of all adverbs, and can often take the initial position. For example:

  • Yesterday I was very busy, which is why I was unable to meet you.
  • Tomorrow I am leaving for Calcutta.
  • Sometimes we feel as if we do not belong in this group.

Adverbs in the middle | Adverb Placement

Focusing adverbs

‘Focusing adverbs’ are those adverbs that emphasize a part of the clause or sentence to which they belong, and are generally used mid-sentence. Focusing adverbs include adverbs of frequency (often, rarely, never, always, etc), adverbs of certainty (perhaps, probably, certainly, maybe, etc), and adverbs of comment (adverbs that are used to express an opinion, such as smartly, responsibly, intelligently, etc).

For example:

  • You are always late.
  • I will probably be absent from the party.
  • He acted responsibly by informing the authorities about the wallet he had found.

Note: Adverbs of frequency are used before the main verb, not the auxiliary verb.

Adverbs to end sentences | Adverb Placement

This is the most common position of adverbs in sentences.

Adverbs of manner

Adverbs of manner are used to describe how something is done and are generally placed at the ends of sentences or clauses. For example:

  • He wrote the answers correctly.
  • His stammer caused him to speak haltingly.

Adverbs of place

Adverbs of place are used to describe the place where an event occurs, and are also positioned at the ends of sentences or clauses. For example:

  • Father is sleeping upstairs.
  • In a couple of days, I will be traveling north.

Adverbs of time

Adverbs of time, as discussed earlier, can also find their way to the ends of sentences or clauses. For example:

  • I leave tomorrow afternoon.

Exercise Files
Position of Adverbs, Detailed Rules.pdf
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