Course Content
UNIT 1 | Friendship & Cooperation
"Communication within a friendship is important for human development throughout life. Beginning in childhood, friendships shape and reflect developments in social cognition, perspective-taking abilities, moral comportment, and cooperation as equals. During adolescence and younger adulthood, friendships cultivate ethical sensibilities, and understandings and practices of intimacy, identity, and sociability. Acrosslifef,e people describe three benefits of close friendship: somebody to talk to; to depend on and rely on for instrumental help, social support, and caring, and to have fun and enjoy doing things with. Communication with friends relieves loneliness and contributes to physical and psychological well-being."
UNIT 2 | Natural Beauty Of Pakistan
"Natural beauty is unmatched. Pakistan has the world's most beautiful places to visit, especially at their best in northern areas of the Pakistan and Kashmir region. This part of the the country is famous all around the world because of sky high mountains, lush green valleys, mighty rivers, beautiful lakes, and amazing wildlife. The Paradise on Earth ‘Neelum Valley’ Mini Switzerland ‘Swat Valley’ and Mountain Kingdom ‘Hunza valley’ are the major tourist attractions in Pakistan."
UNIT 3 | Traffic Education
"Traffic education means education on traffic rules. It embraces all rules and regulations to be followed while driving on roads. Traffic education is essential for drivers and pedestrians. Drivers and pedestrians having no traffic education may cause fatal accidents on the road. There are many rules and regulations in traffic. Some of them are following the order of the traffic police; following the speed limit sticking to the respective side, checking vehicles properly before driving, following the rules of loading vehicles with passengers or goods, in crowded places, and curves driving slowly and carefully and using horns, etc."
UNIT 4 | Exploring The Educational Opportunities
"Literacy involves gaining the skills and knowledge to read and interpret varying texts and artifacts, and successfully navigate and negotiate their challenges, conflicts, and crises. To the domains of reading, writing, and traditional print literacies, one could argue that in an era of technological revolution, educators must develop robust forms of media literacy, computer literacy, and multimedia literacies, thus cultivating “multiple literacies.”
UNIT 5 | Humanism
"Humanism is a rational philosophy informed by science, inspired by art, and motivated by compassion. Affirming the dignity of each human being supports the maximization of individual liberty and opportunity consonant with social and planetary responsibility. It advocates the extension of participatory democracy and the expansion of the open society, standing for human rights and social justice. Free of supernaturalism, it recognizes human beings as a part of nature and holds that values-be they religious, ethical, social, or political-have their source in human experience and culture."
UNIT 6 | Sportsmanship
"Sportsmanship is a vital element of sports that ignites and maintains friendship, respect, and orderliness. It describes unbiased and kind behavior while treating opponents, officials, teammates, and spectators in sports. Sportsmanship is the ethical aspect of sports. It is displayed by the combination of positive qualities like fair play, integrity, and respect towards opponents, officials, teammates, and even the fans. Sportsmanship can also be demonstrated by displaying politeness even in defeat and sustaining self-discipline in dealings with others."
Grade 8 – English
About Lesson

what is an introduction paragraph

Paragraphs are a collection of sentences. They are used in writing to introduce new sections of a story, characters, or pieces of information. Paragraphs help readers to enjoy what has been written because they break the text up into easy-to-read sections.

Basic Paragraph Structure: How to Layout a Paragraph

In non-fiction writing, a body paragraph is any paragraph that comes between the introduction and the conclusion.

A good body paragraph will have the following:

Topic Sentence

What is a topic sentence? A topic sentence is the first sentence of the body paragraph. Simply put, the topic sentence introduces the topic of the paragraph. A good topic sentence will be broad enough to allow for explication but narrow enough that it does not require a paragraph that is too long.

define paragraph writing

Supporting Sentences

What is a supporting sentence? The supporting sentences of a paragraph are the sentences between the topic sentence and the concluding sentence. The supporting sentences “support” the topic sentence. That is, they explain and elaborate on the point of the paragraph.

Concluding Sentence

What is a concluding sentence? The concluding sentence is the last in the paragraph. It should succinctly end the paragraph and transition to the next paragraph, if appropriate.

what is a conclusion paragraph

Other Features of Paragraphs

A good paragraph contains many elements. Here are just a few of them.

Unity, Coherence

As mentioned above, the ideas in a paragraph should logically fit together. Furthermore, they should flow from one idea to the next.

A paragraph should be organized in a way that it builds appropriately. This could be by a sequence of ideas or events. Additionally, transitions should be used from one sentence to the next that connect the ideas and concepts.

Adequate Development

For a paragraph to be considered “adequate” or “sufficient,” the paragraph should be well-developed. The reader should not be left wanting more information.

Similarly, the paragraph should include enough evidence to support its topic sentence.


Good paragraphs have transitions between preceding and proceeding paragraphs. These transitions are logical and verbal.

One paragraph should logically flow to the next. The ideas in a body of work should be organized so each paragraph transitions well to the next. It should not be choppy.

Additionally, verbal transitions within and between paragraphs should help the reader move seamlessly through the piece of writing.

what is the purpose of a conclusion paragraph

How Long is a Paragraph?

There is no set length to a paragraph. Some paragraphs are only one sentence in length. However, a short paragraph like that should be left only to the expert writer—or a specific style of writing. You wouldn’t find a single-sentence paragraph in a research paper or academic journal.

Paragraphs need to be long enough to express any given idea (long enough to thoroughly explain the topic sentence).

how long should a paragraph be

Summary: What are Paragraphs?

Define paragraph: the definition of a paragraph is a group of the sentence in which a single topic is developed.

In summary, a paragraph is:

  • a unit of writing
  • used in non-fiction and fictional prose
  • a part of writing that expresses a certain topic

How to Write Good Paragraphs


  • A paragraph consists of a single theme throughout its body.
  • The theme/topic of the paragraph is clearly stated at the beginning of the paragraph.
  • Details, definitions, support, examples, and/or evidence should follow the topic sentence.
  • The paragraph should end in a way that smoothly connects to the next paragraph.

Topic Sentence

  • The topic sentence is the statement at the beginning of each body paragraph signifying the topic of that paragraph.
  • The topic sentence should pull from one of the main points stated in the thesis.
  • Examples:
    • Thesis Statement: Digital technology affects youth in the social, emotional, and cognitive areas of their lives.
    • First Topic Sentence: With social media in their pockets, youth have an entirely different social method than that of previous generations.
  • Notice that the first topic sentence refers to the first main point in the thesis. Paragraphs should continue in this way, though more than one paragraph can be attributed to each point if necessary.


  • Following the topic sentence should be the details. The next sentences that make up the rest of the paragraph should support your topic sentence.
  • This can include definitions or further descriptions of the topic.
  • Examples:
    • Topic Sentence: Writing can be considered an art form.
    • Next Sentence: Art is defined as an expression or product that is more than simply ordinary.
  • The definition of art is being used to prove the point in the topic sentence: writing is art.

Evidence and Quotations

  • Evidence and support should also be given to prove the point of the topic sentence.
  • If outside sources are used to give material for this support, then an explanation is needed.
  • Examples:
    • Quotation: Art is defined as an expression or product that is more than simply ordinary. 
    • Explanation: Writing is a way that people can use to express themselves and make beautiful compositions; therefore, writing can be an art form.

End of Paragraph

  • Conclude the topic of the paragraph in the last sentence or two.
  • Do your best to end the paragraph with your own words. Do not end it with a quoted source or citation.
  • Be sure to make the last sentence a smooth transition into the next paragraph.

Exercise Files
Auerbach-Slideshow-How-to-Write-a-Paragraph (1).pdf
Size: 148.77 KB
Advanced Paragraph Correction 3.pdf
Size: 83.65 KB