Course Content
UNIT 1 | Friendship & Cooperation
"Communication within a friendship is important for human development throughout life. Beginning in childhood, friendships shape and reflect developments in social cognition, perspective-taking abilities, moral comportment, and cooperation as equals. During adolescence and younger adulthood, friendships cultivate ethical sensibilities, and understandings and practices of intimacy, identity, and sociability. Acrosslifef,e people describe three benefits of close friendship: somebody to talk to; to depend on and rely on for instrumental help, social support, and caring, and to have fun and enjoy doing things with. Communication with friends relieves loneliness and contributes to physical and psychological well-being."
UNIT 2 | Natural Beauty Of Pakistan
"Natural beauty is unmatched. Pakistan has the world's most beautiful places to visit, especially at their best in northern areas of the Pakistan and Kashmir region. This part of the the country is famous all around the world because of sky high mountains, lush green valleys, mighty rivers, beautiful lakes, and amazing wildlife. The Paradise on Earth ‘Neelum Valley’ Mini Switzerland ‘Swat Valley’ and Mountain Kingdom ‘Hunza valley’ are the major tourist attractions in Pakistan."
UNIT 3 | Traffic Education
"Traffic education means education on traffic rules. It embraces all rules and regulations to be followed while driving on roads. Traffic education is essential for drivers and pedestrians. Drivers and pedestrians having no traffic education may cause fatal accidents on the road. There are many rules and regulations in traffic. Some of them are following the order of the traffic police; following the speed limit sticking to the respective side, checking vehicles properly before driving, following the rules of loading vehicles with passengers or goods, in crowded places, and curves driving slowly and carefully and using horns, etc."
UNIT 4 | Exploring The Educational Opportunities
"Literacy involves gaining the skills and knowledge to read and interpret varying texts and artifacts, and successfully navigate and negotiate their challenges, conflicts, and crises. To the domains of reading, writing, and traditional print literacies, one could argue that in an era of technological revolution, educators must develop robust forms of media literacy, computer literacy, and multimedia literacies, thus cultivating “multiple literacies.”
UNIT 5 | Humanism
"Humanism is a rational philosophy informed by science, inspired by art, and motivated by compassion. Affirming the dignity of each human being supports the maximization of individual liberty and opportunity consonant with social and planetary responsibility. It advocates the extension of participatory democracy and the expansion of the open society, standing for human rights and social justice. Free of supernaturalism, it recognizes human beings as a part of nature and holds that values-be they religious, ethical, social, or political-have their source in human experience and culture."
UNIT 6 | Sportsmanship
"Sportsmanship is a vital element of sports that ignites and maintains friendship, respect, and orderliness. It describes unbiased and kind behavior while treating opponents, officials, teammates, and spectators in sports. Sportsmanship is the ethical aspect of sports. It is displayed by the combination of positive qualities like fair play, integrity, and respect towards opponents, officials, teammates, and even the fans. Sportsmanship can also be demonstrated by displaying politeness even in defeat and sustaining self-discipline in dealings with others."
Grade 8 – English
About Lesson


The stadium broke into applause when Rajoo hit a huge six that earned the team a place in the finals of the inter-district tournament. Rajoo was a district player from Ranikot. His performance soon led to his selection on the under-nineteen Pakistan cricket team. Before long, he became a superstar in the cricket world. But, unfortunately, all this success went to his head. He became very rude and arrogant. This worried the coach and the manager of the team because his attitude was not only annoying the local players but also irritating
the international players. They often counseled him but to no avail. Soon the team went on a tour of Australia where it won the series. When the team returned home they received a resounding welcome. After their return, all the players went to their hometowns.

In Ranikot, Nabeel, Rajoo’s best friend since childhood, was anxiously waiting for his friend’s return. He was going to see his friend after a long time and he was very excited about it. He was soon going to meet his friend who was a cricket superstar. A luxurious car stopped in front of the house. A well-suited, handsome man stepped out of the car. “It’s Rajoo,” Nabeel muttered. He came forward to greet his old buddy, but Rajoo just ignored him and continued walking. Nabeel was shocked! He had not expected such behaviour from his old friend and it made him sad. He just did not know what to do.

The next day, Rajoo had been invited by the town people to the townhouse. They wanted to honor their hero and to hear the stories of his victories. Nabeel was among the group of people who had gathered at the town hall. When Rajoo arrived, he just ignored most of the people and arrogantly walked up the stage and sat there. When he was asked to share his stories, he only talked about himself and his performance. The townspeople listened to his stories in awe, but Nabeel could not understand why his best friend was behaving so arrogantly; such behavior did not suit a world-renowned player.

A couple of days later, Rajoo was practicing on the nearby ground where he used to play in his childhood. Many old childhood memories came to his mind and, suddenly, he remembered his old buddy, Nabeel. Nabeel used to be his best friend and he recalled that on several occasions; Nabeel had counseled him and helped him. While he was thinking about his friend, suddenly, somebody patted his shoulder. He turned quickly and couldn’t hide his happiness when he saw that it was Nabeel. Rajoo hugged his friend tightly and tears started flowing from his eyes. He apologized to Nabeel for his arrogant behavior and asked him to forgive him.

Nabeel was extremely happy. He was grateful to Allah that his friend had not forgotten him. Together, both friends walked towards Nabeel’s house, laughing and chatting all the way home. They talked about many childhood memories, the pranks they had played, the fights they had had, and how each time they had forgiven each other and become friends again. Nabeel showed his friend a scrapbook that he had made for him. After spending a couple of hours together, Rajoo left for home but he promised Nabeel that he would look at and read the whole scrapbook that he had given him. A few days later, Rajoo went back to join his team. His performance, as usual, was excellent, but, his insolent behavior was also the same. When things became intolerable, the team management decided to counsel him once again. The manager called him to his office, but he refused to go. The decision was thus taken to ban him from the team. This shocked Rajoo. He had never thought that his behavior would lead to this; that he would not be allowed to play for Pakistan again!



What is the main idea of the text?

1. It’s never too late to change
2. Good players are always arrogant
3. All cricketers are liked by the people
4. A great Pakistani cricketer is born


Rajoo read five articles from the scrapbook. Read those articles and write down the
number of the article that matches the following titles, in the given blanks.

1. One captain gave another captain a second chance _____
2. Chose team interest over self-interest _____
3. Saved the opposite team’s player and lost the match _____
4. Accepted fault in the other player’s failure _____
5. Surprised the player by calling him back _____

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